it's been a week since i've written, and a lot's gone down on the marathon front in a week! last saturday, i hurt my ankle and was hobbling around for about a day and a half with an ice pack all but glued to my foot. by sunday afternoon, i felt a bit better and went to jackrabbits to buy new running shoes. this store is completely fabulous--i got to run on a treadmill and have the (cute) salesguy tell me all about my stride and what kind of shoes i needed. he told me that my stride was "unique." translation: funny looking (but i'll bet he says that to all the girls).
despite my "unique" stride, the shoes made a HUGE difference for yesterday's long run. but i'll get to that.
tuesday i didn't run because i wanted to go easy on the ankle (i went to a cookout for the city interns at gracie mansion, too!), but thursday i ran and it felt so good after the crazy week i had at work, out surveying FHV drivers. if you want to know more about my project or my summer internship, just ask--pretty interesting stuff, but there are some really long, stressful days ahead until i finish up on the 18th of august! andrew teased me (at least i hope he was teasing me) that there had been some talk at the office that i wouldn't be able to finish the race because i'm not dedicated enough. of course, that made me want to finish it even more. see you at the finish line, office-talkers!
yesterday's long run was awesome once i got there (no bus came, so i had to take a cab at 6:30am to get to the park in time), and i breathed a big sigh of relief at being able to finish without pain. i think it was the shoes. the shoes and my totally great pace group, the 11:30s, who made a great showing on the course AND with the after-run refreshments! oh my goodness, we had so much extra food. i made a gentleman at the 86th street subway station VERY happy with a bag of Nancy's great banana bread. unfortunately, we didn't get to run to randall's island because the bridge was up, but the loop around the park was fun, too.
the benefits to being on this team are never-ending. betsy and i discovered that we each had the wrong size fuel belt, so we switched and we're much happier (at least i hope so--betsy, how did it work for you?), and dave b. gave me a great running mix full of crazy techno and dance music. speaking of daves, dave w, where were you yesterday? sarah k, i didn't see you either!
another week down--november 5 will be here before i know it. i just can't wait to be there for the actual day of the race. my teammates who have run it before say that it ranks up there on the "scale of life-changing experiences" with getting married and having kids. my great running partner, patty, got goosebumps when telling me about it yesterday! i don't know what getting married or having kids is like, but i'll soon know firsthand what it's like to run up first avenue with all those people cheering me on! i'm so excited, i can't even wait!
many, many thanks to those who continue to donate! mile 25 is for uncle stu and ellie! mel k, thanks so much for your donation and for being so excited for me :)
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