Saturday, November 25, 2006

No Turkey Trot for me

A lot of my TFK teammates ran in Turkey Trots over the weekend--short runs that justify eating a lot of turkey on Thanksgiving. I haven't been running lately because of my hip, so I traded in the Turkey Trot for marathon yoga and pilates sessions at home this weekend. Not to worry, I still ate a lot!

Best of luck to the TFKers who are taking on the 60k in Central Park today! That's right, 37+ miles, 9 4 mile loops plus a little. Wish I could be there to cheer you all on! Can't wait to hear about it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Some thoughts from Dave Edwards...

There is no "I" in TEAM

WOW, a sea of green all along 26.2-miles of NYC. Congratulations to each and every one of you, my TEAM mates, my FRIENDS, my INSPIRATION, my ENCOURAGEMENT.

WARNING: At this point, you might want to grab a cup of coffee, a Gatorade or something, `cause it's about get heavy.

There is no "I" in TEAM; On Saturday Morning July 8th, 2006, one thousand "I's" came together either in person to central park, or via the web-communications to begin the personal journey for each to achieve their own goal of completing the ING NYC Marathon 2006 via this inlet called TEAM FOR KID'S. Many had never run in a group, let alone had any idea of pace, or pace groups. The "I's" were saying, "I usually run alone", "I run at this pace", "I've never run more than 6 miles", "I got in to TEAM FOR KID's cause I did not get selected in the lottery", "I am here cause I need training and guidance to complete 26.2 miles", "I am here cause I've always watched the ING NYC Marathon, and I say to myself every year, I'm gonna run a marathon one day", "I love kids and what better way to express myself in my marathon experience", "I run because of "________". Over the past few weeks, the "I's" have turned to "MY's", "my pace group", "my pace group friend", "someone I pace with", "TEAM MATES". No where else in running and training will you find a more committed group of adults. Whether you are a 16-minute miler or 5:12 miler, each member of the TEAM embraced you and your efforts, encouraged your performance and accepted you for the sole (soul) you run on, and likewise, you embraced and encourage each TEAM member too.

DATELINE…. November 5th, 2006: ONE THOUSAND "I" RAN AND FINISHED THE ING NYC MARATHON, 26.2 MILES WITH TEAM, TEAM FOR KID's (and Adults too) this could be heard the world around.

Each of you discovered that knowing another green shirt was nearby gave you a since of comfort and security, knowing that TEAM was on the course. And no TEAM is successful with out COACHES and STAFF, who also placed themselves along the sidelines for that game day support in the event that they, each of them has invested their time and wisdom into our success and accomplishment.

You do not know how important TEAM, TEAM MATES, PACE GROUPS, PACE GROUP LEADERS is, until you find yourself running alone on race day. (I know some of you have been curious) As for me, after all of the "pomp & circumstance", the wonderful opportunity to represent TEAM FOR KID's along side of the Borough of Queens in the Foot Locker Five Borough Challenge, and all that I was able to accomplish for TEAM FOR KID's in the past few weeks with this short lived exposure… the gun went off. It was race time and a half mile into it, I found myself running with four people I did not know, nothing… nada…nil…. And soon, I found myself running alone in a really big place, in a really big race on a very empty road for a while. All I kept thinking was "what I would give (right now) to have a TFK team member in a green shirt next to me right now", a pace friend, Martine, Courtney, David (vano), Matt, Adam, Marjory, Brittany. Hey running gods? please send someone from the 9:30's now!… to no avail.

Yet, I made a commitment and a choice, and I was running my best race to date, so I thought. I came up short. Having plans of a 3:40 finish, accepting that today, my time would be 4:09:30. Somewhere around 18, I hit the wall, or the wall hit me, I hit the ground. And just as a mother's love allows them to pick you up and dust you off, telling you it's ok, you'll be fine, and gets you going again….. There on the course was a TEAM FOR KID's COACH, offering a hand of support. Just as in the past 17 weeks along the training course, COACHES encouraging each of us along the way, giving us the encouragement, motivation, education and inner strength to meet our goals and achieve greatness in our lives, this COACH, and all of our TEAM FOR KID's COACHES encouraged me to carry on, to finish, for all that I am, all that my family is (as they are awaiting my arrival at the finish line) and all that each and every TFK TEAM MATE is to me.

Thank you to the COACH that stayed with me and paced me, the running gods answered my wish when I needed it most. I finish my Marathon with a TFK TEAM MATE in hand as we crossed the finish line. Thank you COACH and COACHES.

So, if you are still questioning your marathon run. STOP! You ran, you finished. Pick it up in the next one.

As I look back on my Marathon this past Sunday, many of the COACHES have encouraged me to self evaluate, write down the good, the bad (and the ugly) and what was different from a previous. I have done that, and I won't bore you with those details. There are no "DO OVER's" for November 5th, 2006, it is what it is. But there is a "DO IT AGAIN", and yes, another marathon is in my future, and yours too. And just as I have looked at my race, I encourage each of you to take a look at your race. You finished, and that is the goal. Now for the Over Achiever out there (oh, I think that is everyone of us now, right), stay involved. Set goals, next week, next month, six months, one year, what races am I going to do? And what am I going to do to improve my running abilities?… Self evaluate and plan.

Yes, the past week, post Marathon, you're becoming reacquainted with family, friends, partners, spouses, etc., this is great, especially after the past 17 weeks. As you recover, the "I" in I'm going out for a run will have an unfamiliar ring to it for a while. Many of us will be faced with running solo on a local path, street or park near our house or apartment. It's OK, the TEAM is always out were. Put on the green shirt, a magical memory will come to mind immediately, a sense of pride, a sense of community and since of giving comes about as you slip that shirt on and run in it.

Again, Thank you to each and every one of you for making this TEAM FOR KIDs 2006 my best marathon every, and my best running summer of training ever. I look forward to spending time in the "off-season" at a run or a race with each of you, just to "catch-up", to listen to you tell me about "Your Marathon" and how life is different and better now.

DING DNIG: I know. I know…. it's time for a refill on your coffee. Sorry, I've never been good a making a long story short. That is most likely why I run 26.2 mile, not 5K's. So bear with me another minute or two.

What to do in the TFK winter and spring months? RUN! Get Involved!

FIRST: Let's all plan on post one month get together run at the NYRR Holiday 4 mile / Kid's Play Party ( ). Many of the "Kids" running in the NYRR Foundation City wide Programs will be out at this race. This is great way to run with the "Kids" we are in support of.

SECOND: New York Road Runners Club Sign up for regularly scheduled races and events. When you sign up for a race, please remember to sign up with your TEAM: TFK. For those outside of NYC, Get involved in a Running Club near you.
Express your TFK self.

THIRD: New York Road Runners Foundation. Become a VOLUNTEER! Get involved with the Jamborees and Cross-Country races for the "Kids". go to the VOLUNTEER tab, click, scroll down, VOLUNTEER APPLICATION PDF, click it, print it, fill it our, fax it in, GET INVOLVED!

FOURTH: find a full or a half marathon, make a plan, set a goal, go there, and "DO IT (AGAIN)". And let us know where you are running and follow up by tell us how you did. The TFK 2006 yahoo site lives on.

FIFTH: This site has everything sports by sport by zip code and or area/region. Look for your sport near you.

The TFK 2006 Yahoo web site. Keep your email active for this. Coach Adam, The TFK Staff and The NYRR Foundation will make Special Announcements from this venue for you to be involved in Special Opportunities involving TFK Members and Races and Activities we all can partake in.

STAY TUNED, Great Things area coming your way!

Again, Thank you (for hanging on this long) for allowing me to run with each and everyone of you, my life is much more enriched because of each of you. This is only the beginning of journey to a life without boundaries and limitations set by society. Today, I, and each of you have accomplished more than the average person standing next to you on an average day. For this, be proud and continue to achieve.

Gotta Run…. Very Truly Yours,

Dave Edwards

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just one of the 37,000 stories....

This woman is an inspiration, whether she meant to be or not!

November 7, 2006

Zoe Koplowitz finished the New York City Marathon in just under 29 hours Monday, a day after the men's and women's winners crossed the finish line.

Using fuchsia-colored crutches, Koplowitz started at 5:45 a.m. Sunday and finished at 10:30 a.m. Monday. It was the 19th New York City Marathon for Koplowitz, who lives in Manhattan and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis more than 30 years ago at age 25.

Her physical therapist and the New York City Guardian Angels accompanied her along the route, much like Lance Armstrong had former marathon champions Alberto Salazar and Joan Benoit Samuelson running alongside to pace him.

Koplowitz also is the award-winning author of “The Winning spirit – Life Lessons Learned in Last Place.”

PS: 4 days later and my soreness (except for right hip and right baby toe) is nearly gone. I'm thinking of going running tomorrow. hmmm....

Monday, November 06, 2006

I did it!!

Yesterday was the most intense, physically challenging experience of my life. I woke up at 4am to get to the buses at 5:45am. The Emilys and I figured out a wake-up call chain and Liz and I shared a cab--gotta love that team support! The bus ride was fun, full of nervous energy, crying, and lots of photo opportunities. When we got to the start, I imagined that it looked something like Woodstock. We were told to sit down and to conserve energy, which we did (when we weren't waiting in the bathroom line). We moved to the corrals at about 8:30am, which meant another hour and a half of sitting before moving to the bridge for a 10:10 start. Oh, the energy--Fort Wadsworth really did look like Woodstock when the crowds started moving and shedding their layers...

And then we were off! Commuting, of course. I was with Nancy, Pam, and Sarah L. I felt great over the Verrazano (how weird, running on a suspension bridge), through Brooklyn (where I saw Cait!) and into Queens, where I saw the family for the first time. Mom, Dad, B and Tanya were holding a sign that said "Moira the MAINE-IAC." It perked me right up (though Nancy wouldn't let me speed up!)I found Diego about 100 yards later standing in the median of the street and holding a big sign. That was awesome, right before I had to go over the dark, quiet Queensborough bridge (which is a HILL) at mile 15.

I could hear first avenue before I got there. The crowds were crazy! We made sure to stop every few blocks to take pictures of each other's families and friends. By the time we hit Harlem and the Bronx, I was losing a little steam. My feet started to hurt around mile 19/20, but Nancy wouldn't let me stop. Mentally, I was done--I hadn't run any more than 18 miles all season because of my injury, and the thought of doing another 8 made me want to cry. Everything felt ok except my feet, but that I was all I could think about! Thank god for my family at mile 21--what a surprise, there they were with the signs again! I was actually able to hug all of them this time and I think that pushed me to fifth avenue. Coach Alem met us when we came off the bridge and said a few words of encouragement. The crowd kept yelling my name (it was written on my shirt) and urging me on, but I wanted to stop running. Then at 96th and 5th I saw a huge group of CUSSW friends and then my family again 1 block down. Coach Danielle saw that I was having a hard time and she jumped in right next to me and ran the next 4 miles, up to mile 25 with me.

The last few miles felt endless. Into the park, up Cat Hill, out of the park, down to Central Park South. Coach Danielle had to leave me there, but she told me to use the crowd and just go. So I pushed and I pushed and the crowd yelled and yelled. I stared at Columbus Circle ahead so hard I thought my eyes would pop out of my head. Then it was time to turn into the park and face that last .2. I didn't know if I could make it up the last hill, but Narisa was there with a sign and she yelled right in my ear. The finish was right there and then I was on it, kind of in shock. One of the volunteers asked if I was ok, and I said I was, "Just give me the medal!" My time was 5:27:20, which meant that Lance Amstrong was home, showered, and resting by the time I finished, but whatever.

I found Nancy and Sarah, who finished one minute ahead of me, and we took a group picture with our medals and blankets. Then I walked (slooowly) in a daze toward the Cherry Hill area. Sarah D., who is so wonderful, took good care of me while I changed into warm clothes and discovered my bloody right sock from a toenail issue. So that's what hurt so much!

I'm moving very slowly today, and my hip is tight, but I am so happy that I finished and am so proud to be a TFKer! The whole time, I had the support of my teammates and the help of all the family and friends who came out. It was amazing. Today I've gotten so many emails and phone calls--Pop-Pop seems to think I'll be running Boston in April 2007. We'll see. One marathon at a time!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


In just a few short hours, I'll be on the TFK "Fireass" bus (complete with a giant ass hanging out the window, thanks to Frank's artistic ability) headed to Staten Island. Crazy. I thought it would never get here!

The family is here, and the phone has been ringing off the hook with friends calling to offer support. I'm overwhelmed--I've never felt this kind of outpouring before! Frank was at his coaching best as we walked the last 1000 yards of the marathon course today in the park, in full view of the finish line.


these words have hung on a post-it on my desk since July. It's on!

Going to bed shortly...coaches' orders!

PS: B mentioned today that Justin has made my blog his homepage. Hilarious! Hi Justin! I'm sad you're moving to California! Visit often.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

an unfortunate turn of events...

i was having a hard time sleeping last night, so i got up early and checked my email. there was a note from nancy to the whole page group telling us that nina had been hit by a car and was in the hospital. she's fine, with only minor injuries. (thank god it wasn't more serious!) of course, she has an amazing attitude and the best spirit--nancy spoke to her, and she's so excited for us even though she won't be able to run with us this year. coach adam responded to nancy's note and told us that another teammate had also been in a car accident...she's injured too, but ok. this is kind of freaking me out. seriously, we have five days to go!

i'm really upset not to have nina there with us on sunday. frank suggested "taking her with us" on the course, so i wrote "for nina" on my singlet and i will finish the marathon even if it's just for her!

i am about to jump out of my skin. my energy level is high, and i'm getting ready to go. the econ midterm yesterday was the first big obstacle this week, and now that's over. just one more day of classes and two more days of field and i'm there....

thinking of you, nina!