Tuesday, June 05, 2007

back to running for fun

I decided that i couldn't do the marathon with RWP this year (race with purpose is the new team that folks from team for kids formed). I have too much going on--I just graduated from CUSSW (!!), I moved, and now I'm job hunting. It's hard to think about fitting training into my schedule when I don't even know what my schedule will be. However, I've volunteered to help out during the training season, so hopefully I'll stay connected to my teammates and I can cheer them on November 4. I'm also thinking about a spring marathon--maybe by then I'll feel more settled.

So it's back to running for fun. I am so out of shape. Hard to believe my EASY runs used to be 10+ miles, and now I am barely doing 4. Yikes. Oh well. Now is not the time to feel discouraged about my mileage. Running is how I am taking care of myself during this time of such ambiguity. I went to an alumni thing a couple of months ago where someone actually said in her remarks, "be sure you work out a lot and eat good food while you're unemployed. It helps you feel less disgusting about yourself." Good advice to live by!