Sunday, September 10, 2006

Today's run in numbers

Number of minutes spent waiting for subway to get to run: 30
Number of Fireasses (aka the 11:30 pace group) who came to run this weekend: 24
Number of laps around the dirt track in Riverside Park to start off the run: 4
Number of bridges crossed: 1 (but I did it twice!)
Number of states visited: 2
Number of TFKers who gave me high-fives as I crossed the GWB: lots
Number of fig newtons I ate during the run: 4 (I think?)
Number of miles I ran before taking a huge yardsale on the jogging path in Riverside Park: 17.5
Number of miles I walked after said yardsale: .5
Number of watches lost after said yardsale: 1
Number of TFKers who took care of me after I bit the dust: lots (thanks, guys!!)
Number of PB&J sandwiches I ate after the run: 1
Number of pudding cups I ate after the run: 1

I really felt the team spirit today as we ran from 72nd st in Riverside Park up the west side to Fort Tryon Park (around the Cloisters), over the GW Bridge and back. The views from the Cloisters and over the GWB were unbelievable, and I forgot my various aches and pains as my teammates passed and gave me high-fives along the way. I focused on the Manhattan skyline and tried not to think about the paper waiting for me when I got home. I have to say, it worked! How cool to run over the bridge and back and along such a beautiful greenway! Now I can actually say that I ran to Jersey and back.

I plugged along and started to feel some tightness in my hip during the last few miles of the run. When I started running, my ankle really hurt, but some of the pain went away, so I was grateful for that. Around mile 15, I really REALLY wanted to stop running, but Patty and I kept each other focused. I battled in my head a little, but had a rhythmn down and was half a mile from the finish when a loose rock on the path caught my toe and I went down. I was stunned, and I remember thinking, "Why am I on the ground? I need to finishing this effing thing!"

But no, I was on the ground. My knee, elbows and palms were completely scraped and bleeding. A crowd of TFKers came over to see if I was ok. Someone poured water on my knee to get the dirt out and Louie lent me his towel. Coach Dave biked by and sent Sarah down with a first aid kit. She cleaned me up and walked back to the finish with me. Seriously, I was so frustrated. I kept thinking, "I could've finished running! I could've finished running!" It was just so aggravating--the whole time my ankle hurt, and that's not even what got me. It was a stupid rock on the path!

Sarah and I walked to the finish (well, she walked, I limped) and my team cheered when they saw me. Nancy came over and gave me a big hug while I broke down. I was still startled from wiping out and angry at the timing of it. "I could've finished, Nancy!" She pulled back and said, "Where do you think you are? You finished! Don't let me efffing hear that you didn't finish!" All the Fireasses gathered around for a big group hug, and then they all scattered to bring me a PB&J (chunky with strawberry!), ice for my knee, advil, and my bag. They were such a supportive bunch. I can't imagine doing this without them!

So do I get credit for the full 18?


TFK Bob said...

Hi Moira I met you yesterday by the picnic table as you were rinsing off your knees. Hope your'e feeling better, and great job yesterday!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Molly,I'm so sorry you fell down, but you DID FINISH!!
I'm so proud of you!

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