Saturday, September 09, 2006

a little scared...

Tomorrow is going to be so intense. 18 miles, from 72nd street up to the cloisters, over the GW bridge to touch jersey, and back. Coach Adam's email yesterday was supposed to make us feel better:

"Remember though that you've already run 16 miles, which means that your run this Sunday is only two miles of new running. Two miles, anyone can do that!"

Still, I was with Tom at the farmer's market this morning, telling him what I'm going to do tomorrow, and he just looked at me. "M, that's really far."

I know.

This week, I had some ankle pain on Tuesday morning and again Thursday at the CU 5k fun run. I hope my body cooperates tomorrow! Plus, J and I volunteered to lead discussion in our Children and Families course this week, so I have a paper due by 11pm tomorrow night. What? Already? And so it begins....You can bet I'm not going to feel like writing that thing after 18 miles tomorrow!

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