it's been a week since i've written, and a lot's gone down on the marathon front in a week! last saturday, i hurt my ankle and was hobbling around for about a day and a half with an ice pack all but glued to my foot. by sunday afternoon, i felt a bit better and went to jackrabbits to buy new running shoes. this store is completely fabulous--i got to run on a treadmill and have the (cute) salesguy tell me all about my stride and what kind of shoes i needed. he told me that my stride was "unique." translation: funny looking (but i'll bet he says that to all the girls).
despite my "unique" stride, the shoes made a HUGE difference for yesterday's long run. but i'll get to that.
tuesday i didn't run because i wanted to go easy on the ankle (i went to a cookout for the city interns at gracie mansion, too!), but thursday i ran and it felt so good after the crazy week i had at work, out surveying FHV drivers. if you want to know more about my project or my summer internship, just ask--pretty interesting stuff, but there are some really long, stressful days ahead until i finish up on the 18th of august! andrew teased me (at least i hope he was teasing me) that there had been some talk at the office that i wouldn't be able to finish the race because i'm not dedicated enough. of course, that made me want to finish it even more. see you at the finish line, office-talkers!
yesterday's long run was awesome once i got there (no bus came, so i had to take a cab at 6:30am to get to the park in time), and i breathed a big sigh of relief at being able to finish without pain. i think it was the shoes. the shoes and my totally great pace group, the 11:30s, who made a great showing on the course AND with the after-run refreshments! oh my goodness, we had so much extra food. i made a gentleman at the 86th street subway station VERY happy with a bag of Nancy's great banana bread. unfortunately, we didn't get to run to randall's island because the bridge was up, but the loop around the park was fun, too.
the benefits to being on this team are never-ending. betsy and i discovered that we each had the wrong size fuel belt, so we switched and we're much happier (at least i hope so--betsy, how did it work for you?), and dave b. gave me a great running mix full of crazy techno and dance music. speaking of daves, dave w, where were you yesterday? sarah k, i didn't see you either!
another week down--november 5 will be here before i know it. i just can't wait to be there for the actual day of the race. my teammates who have run it before say that it ranks up there on the "scale of life-changing experiences" with getting married and having kids. my great running partner, patty, got goosebumps when telling me about it yesterday! i don't know what getting married or having kids is like, but i'll soon know firsthand what it's like to run up first avenue with all those people cheering me on! i'm so excited, i can't even wait!
many, many thanks to those who continue to donate! mile 25 is for uncle stu and ellie! mel k, thanks so much for your donation and for being so excited for me :)
I'm a girl who once avoided gym class like the plague. Now I run for fun! I'm working my way toward 26.2 again in 2010!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
and mile 26 goes to...
the epsteins, because according to them, "it's worth waiting for!" thank you to all of you!!
8 miles
What a busy week this has been! I worked late every night, so I didn't make it to Tuesday's or Thursday's runs. I did them on my own, and it was weird not being with a pace group. How strange, since I ran alone up until 3 weeks ago! Just as well, since it was about 100 degrees on Tuesday night and I couldn't fathom going for a run outside!
Today's long run in Central Park was 8 miles--4 with the Run for Central Park and then 4 additional miles, all at commute pace to build endurance. I felt a little sluggish when I woke up this morning, so I was a little anxious about how my knees would feel during the run. It was so annoying--one mile in and my right knee and shin started to hurt. Fearless pace group leader Frank told me to warm up and see how I felt, and after a few minutes, the tightness passed for a few miles. Then, my left ankle started to hurt. To top it off, there were SO many people running the race and it was about 90% humidity! Needless to say, it was a rough day for me. So frustrating, because my heart rate was steady and my breathing was good, it was just my stupid knee and ankle! I've spent the afternoon sitting down with ice on both, and planning to stay off them tomorrow!
Despite all my achiness, my pace group managed to finish the 8 miles together, and we ran the second 4 two minutes faster than the first four! Pretty cool. I also have to give a shout out to two of my fellow racers today--not TFK members, but I won't hold it against them! Larry the Lighthouse was back this week--check out I first saw him last week during our 5 mile race. This dude is hilarious--he runs in a wooden lighthouse costume! I don't know HOW he does it. And secondly, I saw this amazing little boy this morning--he couldn't have been more than 7 years old. He had one leg and he was racing right alongside us with the help of a rollerblade and some cross country ski poles! I don't know who he is, but it was so inspiring to see him. It really puts a little ankle pain into perspective!
Today's long run in Central Park was 8 miles--4 with the Run for Central Park and then 4 additional miles, all at commute pace to build endurance. I felt a little sluggish when I woke up this morning, so I was a little anxious about how my knees would feel during the run. It was so annoying--one mile in and my right knee and shin started to hurt. Fearless pace group leader Frank told me to warm up and see how I felt, and after a few minutes, the tightness passed for a few miles. Then, my left ankle started to hurt. To top it off, there were SO many people running the race and it was about 90% humidity! Needless to say, it was a rough day for me. So frustrating, because my heart rate was steady and my breathing was good, it was just my stupid knee and ankle! I've spent the afternoon sitting down with ice on both, and planning to stay off them tomorrow!
Despite all my achiness, my pace group managed to finish the 8 miles together, and we ran the second 4 two minutes faster than the first four! Pretty cool. I also have to give a shout out to two of my fellow racers today--not TFK members, but I won't hold it against them! Larry the Lighthouse was back this week--check out I first saw him last week during our 5 mile race. This dude is hilarious--he runs in a wooden lighthouse costume! I don't know HOW he does it. And secondly, I saw this amazing little boy this morning--he couldn't have been more than 7 years old. He had one leg and he was racing right alongside us with the help of a rollerblade and some cross country ski poles! I don't know who he is, but it was so inspiring to see him. It really puts a little ankle pain into perspective!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I'm overwhelmed!
The generosity of family and friends now that i'm getting the word out about the marathon is overwhelming! I'll write more about the week in training soon, but many many thanks to all who have donated! ALL of the Casey families, the Damons, and to Mom for helping spread the word--I REALLY appreciate it!
I will run the following miles for these excellent supporters:
Mile 1: Eric K.
Mile 2: Damon family
Mile 3: Tanya
Mile 4: Diego and family
Mile 5: Jane Oliver
Mile 6: Kate, Mark, Stuie, Olivia
Mile 7: Kenny, Tracy, Emma
Mile 8: Bill and Audrey Maher
Mile 9: Darcey Comer
Mile 10: Stephen K.
Mile 14: Mimi and John
Mile 15: Rob, Cheryl, V and Suz
Mile 16: Jim, Irene, R, C,A
Mile 25: Brendan
Mile 26: Epstein family
You KNOW you want me to run a mile for you, too! Donate and make it happen :)
I will run the following miles for these excellent supporters:
Mile 1: Eric K.
Mile 2: Damon family
Mile 3: Tanya
Mile 4: Diego and family
Mile 5: Jane Oliver
Mile 6: Kate, Mark, Stuie, Olivia
Mile 7: Kenny, Tracy, Emma
Mile 8: Bill and Audrey Maher
Mile 9: Darcey Comer
Mile 10: Stephen K.
Mile 14: Mimi and John
Mile 15: Rob, Cheryl, V and Suz
Mile 16: Jim, Irene, R, C,A
Mile 25: Brendan
Mile 26: Epstein family
You KNOW you want me to run a mile for you, too! Donate and make it happen :)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
week 2!
i realized i haven't written in awhile, so it's time for an update! tuesday night, i joined some TFK folks in central park for an evening workout. we did a warm-up that felt like a high school xcountry practice (or what i imagine one to feel like, since i never did that in high school). it was pretty cool to be doing exercises in a big group like that--very motivating! (maybe i should've tried the team sports thing earlier, but hey, better late than never, right?)
wednesday was yoga (love that yoga) and thursday night i skipped our workout because i went to the ani d. show in central park. gotta get my priorities straight, after all. just kidding (kind of). it was a great show, full of memorable quotes. for example, my hallmate Aspen came with me and said, as we were watching a group of teeny boppers get down to 'napoleon': " look at those girls. they're so liberated--they only blew their hair dry once today!" tis true, the crowds at ani shows have changed since i started going ten years ago (can you believe it? thursday marked show number 14!) but ani was still in top form with a beautiful new poem and a new album out at the end of the summer. plus, she closed with 'overlap.' 'nuff said.
anyway, after not running since tuesday, i was a little tight for cross training last night at the gym and a little nervous about 6 miles in awful heat this morning. but i was a trooper and got up at 6am to get to the park for 7. my pace group is great and we stayed right on point for the 5 mile race and then slowed down a bit for the last mile that TFK so kindly added for us (sarcasm, anyone?) but seriously, despite the loss of focus when folks around me were finishing at mile 5, i felt really good and was able to maintain conversation the whole time. ps, two truths and a lie is a good game to play while running! next week is a 4 mile race with 4 miles added on, and i'm hoping it won't be quite so hot, but we're in New York in july, so who am i kidding?
oh, yeah--i just finished a GREAT book recommended to me by Eric K called "The Looniness of the Long Distance Runner." It's about a Brit (Russell Taylor, the author) who agreed to run the NYC marathon after getting drunk and making a bet with a friend in a London pub. The book is hilarious and it tells the story of his training all the way from joining a gym and using the treadmill for five minutes and then showering to completing the race NY-style. The writing is dry and quite British, and there is a full chapter about the history of the race, including a description of all of the people who died trying to do it. I hope I will not be added to the list when Taylor's new edition comes out!
i know i won't. i'm going to finish, and i'm going to be running when i do. that's right.
more updates to come! many thanks to all who have donated to the fund! you can do so by clicking on the "Team for Kids" link and entering my name and bib number (2451). i appreciate it!
wednesday was yoga (love that yoga) and thursday night i skipped our workout because i went to the ani d. show in central park. gotta get my priorities straight, after all. just kidding (kind of). it was a great show, full of memorable quotes. for example, my hallmate Aspen came with me and said, as we were watching a group of teeny boppers get down to 'napoleon': " look at those girls. they're so liberated--they only blew their hair dry once today!" tis true, the crowds at ani shows have changed since i started going ten years ago (can you believe it? thursday marked show number 14!) but ani was still in top form with a beautiful new poem and a new album out at the end of the summer. plus, she closed with 'overlap.' 'nuff said.
anyway, after not running since tuesday, i was a little tight for cross training last night at the gym and a little nervous about 6 miles in awful heat this morning. but i was a trooper and got up at 6am to get to the park for 7. my pace group is great and we stayed right on point for the 5 mile race and then slowed down a bit for the last mile that TFK so kindly added for us (sarcasm, anyone?) but seriously, despite the loss of focus when folks around me were finishing at mile 5, i felt really good and was able to maintain conversation the whole time. ps, two truths and a lie is a good game to play while running! next week is a 4 mile race with 4 miles added on, and i'm hoping it won't be quite so hot, but we're in New York in july, so who am i kidding?
oh, yeah--i just finished a GREAT book recommended to me by Eric K called "The Looniness of the Long Distance Runner." It's about a Brit (Russell Taylor, the author) who agreed to run the NYC marathon after getting drunk and making a bet with a friend in a London pub. The book is hilarious and it tells the story of his training all the way from joining a gym and using the treadmill for five minutes and then showering to completing the race NY-style. The writing is dry and quite British, and there is a full chapter about the history of the race, including a description of all of the people who died trying to do it. I hope I will not be added to the list when Taylor's new edition comes out!
i know i won't. i'm going to finish, and i'm going to be running when i do. that's right.
more updates to come! many thanks to all who have donated to the fund! you can do so by clicking on the "Team for Kids" link and entering my name and bib number (2451). i appreciate it!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Donate and I'll run a mile just for you!
Visit the Team for Kids link and type in my name and registration number to donate! If you'd like me to run a mile just for you, let me know! Mile 1 is for Eric K--I promise I'll run it slooooowly! Mile 14 is for Mimi and John--they'll be rooting for me when it gets really hard!
Many, many thanks to all who have already donated to my marathon fund! Mimi and John, Betsy, Tom, Melissa, Colleen C. and Eric K.-- you are all so generous!
Many, many thanks to all who have already donated to my marathon fund! Mimi and John, Betsy, Tom, Melissa, Colleen C. and Eric K.-- you are all so generous!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Pictures from Saturday's first group run
Sunday, July 09, 2006
TFK website is up!
The beautiful new TFK website is now up! If you'd like to make a donation to my marathon fund, go to and click on "contribute." follow the prompts and enter my full name and registration number (2451) and the amount you wish to pledge. I am so grateful for any donation you can give, and if you are unable to give money at this time, that's ok too--just send some good training karma my way. :)
training has officially begun!
Yesterday, I headed over to Central Park for an 8am five-mile timed run with Team for Kids! It was the first official run of the 2006 training season. What a beautiful day, and how energizing to see a crowd of people gathered together to run for a cause! I met some great folks, all with different reasons to run. (I'll bet you can guess mine--I run for fun!) Everybody wants to accomplish something for themselves and for others. It's so awesome and I realized yesterday that it's going to be so much easier to do this marathon with the help of a team. Just to be clear--I'm not saying the marathon will be easy--but with the support I'm going to be getting, I'm that much more likely to pull through on race day :). I love the quote on the back of the TFK shirt: "I ran my fastest 10k 20 miles into a marathon." We'll see if that happens for me!
I set off on the 5-mile loop around the park with group 3 and took it really easy. It was so cool to people-watch and pick out fellow green-bracelet wearing runners. True, a lot of them were passing me, but I'm not too concerned. I'm a slow runner--I accepted that a LONG time ago--but I can keep going for awhile! I finished in 52:35, which put me in the 11:30 pace group.. can't wait to meet up with my group members next weekend!
Sadly, I didn't get to meet Dave and Sarah, my teammates and authors of the two blogs linked at the right--Guys, we're all going to have to wear red shirts next week or something!
More to come--I'm just getting started!
I set off on the 5-mile loop around the park with group 3 and took it really easy. It was so cool to people-watch and pick out fellow green-bracelet wearing runners. True, a lot of them were passing me, but I'm not too concerned. I'm a slow runner--I accepted that a LONG time ago--but I can keep going for awhile! I finished in 52:35, which put me in the 11:30 pace group.. can't wait to meet up with my group members next weekend!
Sadly, I didn't get to meet Dave and Sarah, my teammates and authors of the two blogs linked at the right--Guys, we're all going to have to wear red shirts next week or something!
More to come--I'm just getting started!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
4th of July Flavin-style!

This weekend, I headed home to Maine for a little 4th of July Flavin fun. In true "Camp Flavin" fashion, we had a cast of thousands (including a tent full of B's friends and lots of extended family!) It was a great time--Dad made a lobster feast for Mom's birthday. Check out the photo of the leftovers--(that's right, leftovers--we had 50 lobsters total) --in the sink. Some of the crew got up early Tuesday morning and went to cheer on the crowds at the bike parade (What can I say, it's a small town).
I also got in some great running this weekend. My cousin and I did a long-ish one on Sunday, and I felt pretty good after that. B had a friend visiting who does triathlons, and he was the only person up for a morning run on Monday. We kept a good pace then, too. Tuesday AM, I woke up and did the 12th annual (that's what it says on my t-shirt!) GRBA 5k. I finished in 28.28, which is pretty decent, considering that it was really sticky and I ran 2 miles to the start of the race! Mom and Dad came to cheer and take photos--they're rehearsing for the real deal in November. :)
It was a great weekend, and even my disasterous trip back to NYC couldn't ruin that! I was delayed 3 hours due to weather, but I did manage to see the fireworks as the SuperShuttle van tried to navigate through three lanes of parked cars on the LIE. I got home later than expected, so I'm a little tired today, but I'm totally pumped to start official training on Saturday!