Thursday, July 22, 2010

Settling in

I'm finally settling into my new place and loving it. Just got online at home, so I am a bit overdue on the update from last week's 14 miler. I met up with the breakaway group at 6am Friday morning (my parents were coming to town, so Saturday morning wouldn't have worked). The 6am start (at Columbus Circle) meant an insanely early departure from Brooklyn, but I was grateful once we got going that we were on the road before the heat of the day. And it was HOT. By 7:30am, I was already dragging, and we had quite a few miles to go. Lynn, super pace group leader, planned out our route along the West Side Highway because it has Gatorade vending machines, bathrooms, a breeze...and it's flat. Way to go, Lynn! It was beautiful along the water, and the group was great company. I couldn't have asked for better running companions!

By the end of the run, we were all pretty tired but feeling proud of our accomplishments. Later on the day, Michael, a first-time marathoner, designed a medal for us.

That's Sargent Friday with a 14. Very clever! Thank you, Michael, for the medal! It was a hot day, but we did it. The Jamba Juice I had afterward tasted delicious!

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