I'm a girl who once avoided gym class like the plague. Now I run for fun! I'm working my way toward 26.2 again in 2010!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Brooklyn run!
This morning's run was in my neighborhood, so I got to serve as a tour guide of sorts for all the folks who never cross the river from Manhattan. We met at City Hall at 6:45am (an earlier start than usual because of the distance and the heat). We started at 7: ran over the Brooklyn Bridge (my favorite spot in the city; I will never get tired of the beauty of the bridge and the view from it), to Cadman Plaza, to Tillary Street, through Cobble Hill, over the Gowanus Canal (which smells when it is 80 degrees out, by the way) to Prospect Park and back to Manhattan. Our whole run, including one loop of Prospect Park, was 12 miles. We started at 2 and 1 intervals and dropped down to 1 and 1 at the halfway mark because it was just too hot. I showed the group my new apartment (!) and suggested that we run clockwise around Prospect Park to avoid the big hill. Everyone was very willing to go along with that idea. George said he would put me in his will in appreciation, and Christine, a former estate lawyer, said she could make that happen. Hilarious.
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