Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a few days to go!

I am both excited and terrified about the race this weekend. I'm excited because I've been looking forward to proving again that I can handle long(er) distances, that the 2005-2006 season wasn't a fluke. I'm also really excited because this is the first long race I'll be running with my brother AND my dad! Yes, my dad decided to join in the fun. He hasn't really been training, but he did 8 miles a few days ago and wants to be there with us on race day. He and I will tackle the course together, slooowly....

This leads me to why I am terrified. I am in rough shape. I've been in pain for weeks. I've been doing all my long runs on machines at the gym, and I'm really afraid that my IT band and adductor issues will flare up on Sunday and I won't be able to finish. I've been going to the doctor about all this--I learned my lesson the first time. I'm set to start physical therapy the day after the race, twice a week until I feel better.

It's sad when I love to run so much but my body doesn't like it. :(

Oh well, my best is all I can do. Here's to a good race with Dad and B!

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