Sunday, May 01, 2011

Be mindful even when the mind is full

Yesterday I went for a great run with the Galloway crew, and there were these hilarious chalk drawings and quotes (one of which is the title of this post) all around the big loop. Each drawing/quote became something to look forward to as we went along. I used them as distance markers. The quote about being mindful has stayed with me. Words to live by!

A lot has happened since I last posted. I've made significant progress in managing the fibromyalgia. I'm not completely free of pain yet, but the medication and yoga have made a huge difference. I've also cut out all caffeine, which was difficult, but it seems to be helping. It's amazing to be feeling so much better after being in constant pain for the last few years. No one believed me, either, because I look healthy. But it's real. Just goes to show that appearances can be deceiving. A few weeks ago, my yoga teacher told me that she could tell I was feeling better because "I was moving without fear." That's a powerful concept, and it's true. When there's pain, we change the way we move to protect ourselves, and finally being close to pain-free means I don't have to think about it as much anymore. (Although, my physical therapist pointed out that now I know the right body mechanics, I will spend more and more time thinking about my body and well-being. She's right).

The Brooklyn Half is 3 weeks away, and I'm a little behind as far as training. I hoped to do 10 miles yesterday, but was derailed after 6 due to a massive crowd in Central Park for the Revlon 5k. We couldn't even move. Next weekend is the Galloway kickoff, so I'll have to tack some miles on after that. I'll reward myself with breakfast at Whole Foods.

Dad and I did some great runs over Easter weekend-one in the rain--and I think I've convinced him to do another half with me in the fall. We're looking for a fun destination race. He wants SF, but there are a lot of hills there!

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