I'm a girl who once avoided gym class like the plague. Now I run for fun! I'm working my way toward 26.2 again in 2010!
Monday, June 18, 2012
2012 training is well underway.
Oops. Shame on me for neglecting my blog so far this season. My apologies to the four people who read it. You know who you are. :) Things have been busy this spring/summer, leaving little time for writing, but I'll do my best to summarize.
Galloway started a week earlier this year because we have a new leadership team that is really focused on sticking more faithfully to the Galloway model. Not that we weren't doing so before, but Jeff G. really encourages running longer than 26 miles before a marathon. He says it prepares us mentally and often results in better times. Regardless, because I'm running Chicago this fall, I am not doing a 26+ mile run. That's just the way the schedule worked out. Fine with me. 26.2 is plenty!
So we're a few weeks into the season, and next weekend is a 13 miler. We've had some interesting new routes so far, including over the Williamsburg Bridge (complete with really snarky graffiti, appropriate for the neighborhood). My "magic mile" times have improved significantly since last spring, which is amazing. The first time we did the MM (a timed mile, and predictor for marathon pace/finish time), I finished it in 9:50. I haven't run that fast since middle school. (Oh, horrible flashbacks to the Presidential Fitness Challenge). The second time we did it, I finished a few seconds faster, like 9:30 or something like that. My goal for Chicago is to break 6 hours. I missed that by 17 seconds at the Marine Corps Marathon, which still bugs me. Chicago is flat, but it can be really hot there, so we'll have to see. Luckily, there is a great group of Gallos running Chicago this year, so I'll have people to pace with.
The hardest part of the season so far has been getting up on Saturday mornings. I'm working so much (much more than in my previous job) and I'm completely spent by the end of the week. That's especially true now because we're in budget season (only for two more weeks, thankfully). It's been really challenging to get enough sleep during the week, and I definitely feel the effects during my workouts. This past Saturday, we did a 6 miler over the Queensborough Bridge and back and up the UES, and my feet and legs fought me the whole time. I just didn't want to run at all. When I came home, I had my usual snack and took an epic nap. That's becoming part of my routine too!
All things considered, I've been feeling pretty well. I've been keeping up a regular yoga practice, as well as other cross training, and I definitely feel like I've gotten stronger. Soreness/stiffness varies day to day, but the medication continues to help. I've also gotten better about icing and using my foam roller/stick regularly. I could probably stand to pay a bit more attention to what I'm eating, especially as the runs get longer. It's hard to find time and energy to cook when I'm so tired after work. I really should make it a goal to cook more, at least one new recipe a week or something like that. I'll think about it.
Sorry again for disappearing for the past couple of months. Thank you to everyone for being patient as I figure out how to balance the demands of my job with the rest of my life. I appreciate all of you for asking how the training is going. Your questions hold me accountable! Happy running, and happy (almost) summer!